Our company has a long experience in footwear and handbag’s fields, which allows us to find the right answers to your business requests, assuring high quality services and production. After over 10 years of production in China, we are dealing with professional suppliers, who pay special attention to the quality of the products.

We are mainly specialized in leather and high quality materials fashion shoes and in man leather-business bags and fashion woman Handbags & Accessories, small leather goods (such as wallets, key-holders, beauty cases, belts).

We can also help you with the production of technical and special shoes, such as: hiking shoes, medical shoes, tailor-made shoes and children shoes. Our rapid global expansion and success, thanks to our outstanding designs and strong supplier partnerships, give us the possibility to provide efficient deliveries, powerful brand awareness and a very comfortable wearing experience.

We take care of various aspects to guarantee to you the most complete assistance:

  • Research and development of materials, components and accessories;

  • Selection of the most suitable supplier, according to the characteristics of your product;

  • Development, management and production of samples;

  • Management of the orders and deliveries;

  • Quality control.

Our professional team provides:

1. Sourcing of the right factories according to a briefing and target price

2. Development of the first prototype following the design of our clients

3. Production and delivery in time of the samples of the collections

4. Production inspection and quality inspection certificate.